
Free Resources

To Aid In Your Healing Journey

Final Date Just Announced!

FREE Live Group Hypnosis Event

Thursday 10/26/2023 @ 2:00 pm (MST)

Held Virtually Over Zoom

(This event fills quickly, so register today)

In support of breast cancer awareness month (and all types of cancer), I will be holding a completely free live event to help you engage your subconscious mind in help you feel better and heal faster.

This session is not just for those diagnosed with breast cancer, those dealing with any form of cancer diagnosis will benefit from this free session.

Whether you are dealing with stress, fear, not sleeping well, symptoms from the disease itself or treatment side effects, including nausea, pain, fatigue, or any other symptom, relief is entirely possible when you engage and direct your mind.

I've put together some free resources to help you in your healing journey. I hope that these resources can bring you some comfort during this temporary period of your life. You've got this!

Often times the stress and anxiety of waiting on a diagnosis or anticipatory stress of treatments can begin affecting us before we even have a reason to not feel our best. The hypnosis recording are free for you to use to remove the worry of tomorrow and focus on today and the things you can control.

FREE Webinar

Join Master Hypnotherapist, Tim Moore for a free on-demand webinar showing you how using the power of the subconscious mind you can eliminate symptoms and side effects and heal your body faster.

Just Released!

Get my new Online Program

I've put together the largest collection of hypnosis recording ever complied specifically for people dealing with a diagnosis of cancer.

While not free, I've priced this as low as possible to help bring you relief.

(sample free sessions are available below)

  • Coping and easing fear and stress

  • Pre and post surgery

  • Releasing past emotional events

  • The language of the mind.

  • Overcoming anticipatory side effects

  • Getting better (and more) sleep

  • Reducing or eliminating pain

  • Reducing or eliminating treatment side effects

  • Boosting your natural immune response

  • Healing faster (and in comfort)

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

  • Custom recordings

  • Self Hypnosis

  • Access to weekly group sessions

  • And much more


Free Hypnosis Recordings

II have a few recordings available for free to help you reduce the stress and fear of receiving this diagnosis, as well as recordings for dealing with the anticipation of a diagnosis and treatment side effects. There is also a recording to help you calm your mind so that you can get some sleep.


Free On-Demand Webinar

Join the FREE webinar for a free sample healing hypnosis session and an explination of why Hypnotherapy can be one of your most valuable tools while dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Get My New Book.

While this isn't a free resource, I have it priced at the bare minimum that amazon allows me to.

I make nothing from the sales of the book.

© 2020 | Mind Over The Body

1304 S. College Ave. Suite 5, Fort Collins, CO 80524

(970) 880-9800